One of the original reasons people built houses was to have a dry roof over their heads. In the past, the main factor that influenced the choice of one roofing material over another was the weather and the availability of raw materials as well as skilled labour in the region.

Nowadays, the development of modern building technology and globalisation has made practically every building material available locally. This means that you could be spoilt for choice with the variety of roofing options available.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Roofing Solutions

There are quite a few factors you should consider when selecting roofing solutions for your suburban home. The following factors are vital to the success of your build and the integrity of your house in the long run.


The first thing you need to consider is whether your support structure will withstand the weight of the material you choose. By calculating the total amount of roofing material you require, your roofing contractor will be able to determine the type of roofing that is best suited for your house design.

Weather Resistance

Major changes in climatic patterns all over the world have forced people to consider their roofing options more carefully. You need to consider a roofing option that can withstand the extremities of the weather conditions such as strong wind, heavy snow or extreme temperatures. Making the right choice in this factor can help you save money on energy bills.


The most important factor that affects your choice of roofing is how much it will cost you. The cost of a roofing solution is not only limited to the installation costs but also the maintenance expenses over time. You should also consider the lifespan of the material and any warranties offered by the manufacturers.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is your best option for places with extreme weather conditions. Although it is relatively expensive compared to other materials, metal roofing is durable, energy efficient, offers good rainwater harvesting options and has a lifespan of 40 to 75 years. Metal roofs come in a variety of colours, styles and materials including copper, stainless steel and Zincalume®.

There are various types of roofing in the market. Once you have set your minimum requirements, it becomes easier to make your final choice. In the long run, you should choose a roofing material that is affordable, durable, and compatible with your house design.

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